Victor Medical Case Sports Kit
The VICTOR Medical Case Sports Kit contains first aid products appropriate for most sporting injuries. Encased in a bag of tough fabric construction with zippered compartments. Comfortable shoulder strap. High visibility.
Dimensions: L 45cm x W 30cm x H 27cm.
Health Warning
Always read the label and follow the Directions For Use.
General Information
A collection of equipment for the initial treatment of minor to moderate injuries.
Senior Sports First Aid Kit
Contents:Burnaid Gel Sachets 1G (12) Combine Pads 9x20cm x 2 Confirming Bandage 5cm x 3 Confirming Bandage 2.5cm x 3 Cotton Wool 50g Emergency Blanket Eye Dust Remover Eye Pads Sterile (5) Fabric Dressing Length 6.3x1m First Aid Booklet Forceps - S/S 12.5cm Gauze Swabs 7.5x7.5 (5) Heavy Crepe Bandage 5cm x 2 Heavy Crepe Bandage 7.5cm x 2 Instant Cold Pack Leukoplast Porus Tape 2.5cm Lister Bandage Scissors Small Metsal 50g Non Adherent Pads 7.5x10cm (3) Plastic Strips (24) Rapaid Antiseptic Sachets 1G (12) Rapaid Spray 50ml Safety Pins (12) Saline Eye Wash 15ml (5) Scissors 12.5cm Splinter Probes Disp (5) Triangular Bandage Disp Vinyl Gloves (10) Zinc Cream 50g 30+ Comes in carry case 38x20x15cm
Junior Sports First Aid Kit
Antiseptic Swabs x 6 Burnaid Sachets x 2 Combine Pad 9x20cm Conforming Bandage 2.5cm Conforming Bandage 5cm Emergency Blanket Eye Bath Eye Pad First Aid Booklet Forceps S/S 12.5cm Gauze 7.5x7.5cm (5) Gloves Disposable (1pr) Micropore Tape 1.25cm Non Adherent Pad 7.5x10cm Plastic Strips (25) Rapaid Sachets Safety Pins (12) Saline 15ml Scissors S/S 12.5cm Splinter Probes Disposable (5) Itch Relief Sachets Triangular Bandage Disposable Wound Dressing#13 Sprain Module (includes) Heavy bandage 10cm & 7.5cm Instant Ice Pack Comes in a 30x20x5cm size container.
Playground First Aid Kit in Bum Bag
Antiseptic Cream sachet 1g x (12), Triangular Bandage 110x110x155cm, Disposable White Zinc Cream 50g, Resuscitation Mask Disposable Band Aids (10), Micropore tape 1.2x.5x9m, Gloves Disposable (1pr) and Combine Pad 9x10cm.
First Aid Handy Kit 3
Trainers Waist Bag Only