Playground First Aid Kit in Bum Bag


Regular price $48.00 Save $-48.00
-33 in stock

Antiseptic Cream sachet 1g x (12), Triangular Bandage 110x110x155cm, Disposable White Zinc Cream 50g, Resuscitation Mask Disposable Band Aids (10), Micropore tape 1.2x.5x9m, Gloves Disposable (1pr) and Combine Pad 9x10cm.

Phone: 02 9525 1895

PO Box 281, Caringbah NSW 1495 
Unit 2 / 21 Resolution Drive, Caringbah NSW 2229 
(Joins onto Northumberland Drive, Taren Point)

Open to the Public 
 Monday to Thursday:  8:30am - 4:30pm
 Fridays:  8.30am - 4:00pm

Closed Weekends and Public Holidays

We accept Cash, EFTPOS, Mastercard & Visa